記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 166 581.83 \81,580
£ GBP 11 60.99 \11,044
MYR MYR 25 249.00 \7,495
R$ BRL 4 112.00 \3,204
EUR EUR 3 6.00 \926
PHP PHP 3 300.00 \760
A$ AUD 1 7.99 \748
SGD SGD 1 6.98 \729
NT$ TWD 3 135.00 \604
IDR IDR 1 50000.00 \462
CLP CLP 1 2500 \431
CA$ CAD 1 2.00 \211
---- ---- ---- ---- \108,194
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:01:25 $2.00   Darth Spaghetti Don't threaten me with a good time.
2 00:02:16 $2.00   Tibbits001 *looks at clock* Scarle, what are you doing?
3 00:03:18 $2.00   Sidney Adnopoz fake scarle she's never awake rn
4 00:03:50 $5.00   The Professor Keen This can not be our Scarle. She never wakes 7up this early. SUS!
5 00:04:16 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch. Hello Scarlewill stay up as long as ican
6 00:04:20 $5.00   Lastlasagna 8 planets. Pluto will always be a planet in my heart.
7 00:04:52 £2.00   Yugoxgc What you drinking?
8 00:06:16 $1.99   Odsthawk27 Omg ur live in the afternoon finally can watch u
9 00:06:17 $2.00   Victor Martinez Please be gentle
10 00:07:16   Monsterginn (メンバーシップ入り)
11 00:08:02 NT$75.00   華鳥風月(KachouFugetsu) It's 1 a.m. here and I am thinking about what breakfast should I eat after Scarle ends this stream.
12 00:08:04   IngeniousGhosts best month ever!!!
13 07月12日
  Brando Sheriff Wtf is this title Did you manage to sleep well after last night? Also I'm working so will be in & out
14 00:09:13 $1.99   johari aquart Doing great Scarle. quit my job and am moving
15 00:09:28 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Morning Scarle, I'm at work right now so this will keep me entertained!
16 00:11:01 $1.99   BigBoyDoge Goodmorning kami Oshii,working so you’ll be on bgm
17 00:12:12   CheeseJAM Scarle Yonaguni Uranus destroyer.
18 00:12:58 $2.00   Mikael Ore tts on?
19 00:14:28 $2.00   LuisPJ your such a child right now
20 00:14:35 $2.00   Mikael Ore
noted. it's a fact tho
21 00:14:43 $2.00   Xyris Kalamax That title... the hell you doing this time...
22 00:15:14 $1.99   johari aquart
What if you respelled it Hawny???
23 00:15:21   Evanit0 I've been here for far too long. She has become more unhinged by the day and we are all partially at fault. Still, I love her.
24 07月12日
  The Professor Keen 5
25 00:17:06 $5.00   Mikael Ore
I repeat for emphazise. IT'S A FACT SCARLE.
26 00:17:16 $5.55   Brando Sheriff What a weird roundabout way of telling us you have no rights
27 00:18:12 $1.99   Josie 💜 Hi Scarle! Just finished working out @ the gym!
29 00:19:51 $2.00   Mellow Dee hello scarle thank you for streaming today
30 00:21:11 $1.99   Odsthawk27
Ayo ur Roomie is gonna have fun later tonight lol
31 00:21:58 $1.99   johari aquart
Ahhh. I see she was inspired by Kevin Leonardo
32 00:22:06 £10.00   Matteo Lesina
Yeah Roomie is coming over she's gonna be here soon
33 00:22:29 $1.99   BigBoyDoge
34 00:23:28 €2.00   lone wolf that's some timing to tune into your stream
35 00:23:28 $2.22   Brando Sheriff
Congrats, you predicted what she'll hear tonight
36 00:23:55 $5.00   The Professor Keen
This is a perfect time for a raid from your coworks to raid and see you say sus things.
37 00:24:40 $2.00   LuisPJ
Here Lies Scarle, She Never Scored
38 00:28:04 £10.00   Matteo Lesina
Only real ones will get this one: "Is your roomie Mii Gunner?"
39 00:28:09 $1.99   BigBoyDoge
Ever heard of an armpitj*b?
40 00:28:24   InsoLITgamer Reddd, are using streaming to delay CLEANING UR ROOM?!
41 00:30:18   Grin Beans yay cleaning
42 00:30:26 $1.99   BigBoyDoge
Ok Miss Burrito Go Gurter, Conquerer es malo
43 00:30:47   Matteo Lesina (メンバーシップ入り)
44 00:33:41   z Z (メンバーシップ入り)
45 00:33:48 £2.00   Yugoxgc
would we be here if we thought you waste our time?
46 00:36:55 $2.00   Ghooman (Gwardo's Hooman) Scarle, please I'm at my lunch break, eating pizza
47 00:37:29 $5.00   Scott Graham If you suggest a hole bleaching stream, please let me be a fly on the wall for their reaction
48 00:39:05 R$5.00   GM Lemmy Your streams are very educational... They teach us to always wear headphones (and how to quickly lower the volume when you get an akasupa)
49 00:40:04 $1.99   tykekai Haven’t been here in a while, but wtf is going on?
50 00:42:56 $2.00   Victor Martinez
Technically lack of sleep ended Michael Jackson.
51 00:46:01 $1.99   ArifuretaGamer Uranus was named after the Greek god of the sky.
52 00:46:48   Adriano Ayres (メンバーシップ入り)
53 00:49:12 £5.00   Tharja-iBW all animals have those wholes you dingus dongus
54 00:49:24   SanguiniusReborn Fun Fact! You are now breathing manually.
55 00:50:09 $1.99   BigBoyDoge
Your nonexistent nose don’t count as two holes
56 00:50:09 R$2.00   GM Lemmy
Did you know turtles breathe through their butts?
57 00:53:21 $5.00   Vivy Core SUPER
58 00:54:22 $2.00   Vivy Core
Sorry Im Geek
59 00:56:11   6thMagic any advice on what to do when you've starved yourself and have too little energy and appetite to think or do or eat or even pay attention to streams?
60 00:56:14 $5.00   zayj34 scarle gives off Twilight fan club energy so geek instead
61 00:56:18 $2.00   Vivy Core
and then there dork
62 00:57:52 £1.99   SanguiniusReborn Quick Chat! Stuff her in the locker!
63 01:00:14 $1.99   Nihil Not with that attitude since you like cages
64 01:01:48 $5.00   Vivy Core
Yeah not doing kabedoning that would get you arrested
65 01:01:50 $4.99   Ann The I in bullying stands for Doppio and the C in Scarle stands for Cute
66 01:01:52 $5.00   KazzieBB no ur right i gotta just go for the squish
67 01:03:50 $4.99   Nihil
I thought you were always supposed to show affection by smacking others with pimp cane. Man, high school was awkward…
68 01:05:10 R$100.00   GM Lemmy
The ultimate display of love is a German supplex.
69 01:08:35 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch.
Sorry, Enna... sorry let you heard that
70 01:09:11 $1.99   Delstar Is her favorite anime bleach too?
71 01:09:29 R$5.00   GM Lemmy
The good news is that her BF will be in the perfect position to perform a German supplex.
72 01:09:39 $1.99   Ann
the consequences of ur actions scarle ……
73 01:11:29 $1.99   BigBoyDoge
I think the move is reverse suspended congress
74 01:12:40   Anton Namtet From what I read, Antonio Inoki was a big pioneer of Japanese wrestling, and his favorite wrestler Karl Gotch's finisher was the German Suplex
75 01:14:46 £5.00   Tharja-iBW
That's it, second jail stream.
76 01:17:31 $2.00   LuisPJ
are we about to have a rematch
77 01:18:15 $5.00   Thiago TGM Streamer exposed by her coworker on Twitter [REAL][NOT CLICKBAIT]
78 01:19:28 $4.99   dabombishere123 To most viewers this was a most cursed stream, but to Scarle it was just another Tuesday afternoon
79 01:19:35   Haito Togima Im sorry..what about your ****** mother?
80 01:20:36 $2.00   Reiko Daiki Good morning, Scarle. I hope your morning is well.
81 01:20:53 £5.00   Tharja-iBW
Scarle and most of chat won't get this but when Scarle does her childish voice she sounds like Ash Ketchum from Egoraptor's Pokemon animation.
82 01:21:11 $1.99   Delstar
Bro like bleach you need to be Bonkd-Kai
83 01:23:34 $4.99   Delstar
Both Scarle and her room mate having something in common today. Their azz are both getting blasted
84 01:23:36 PHP125.00   NortNort oh my- at this point, even your lawyer can't save you from all that welcome to Scarle's stream
85 01:24:09 $4.99   Ann
Omg actual day off from Scarle?
86 01:25:31 $5.00   Anton Namtet A whole stream talking about buttholes? Who could have caused this? *stares at title of stream*
87 01:25:40 $4.99   Delstar
Enna how does it feel to be Scarles roommate fiancé in this situation ?
88 01:26:25 $20.00   Damion M Broadaway You're doing great, buddy.
89 01:27:40 $5.00   Nookie hex said supas are free here! that's so cool!
90 01:27:44 SGD6.98   starryhwahwa free soup for miss scarle
91 01:28:12 $1.99   NotSoDeadpool15 Scarle…
92 01:28:39 $1.99   Delstar
Anycolor about to bleach this channel
93 01:28:57 $4.99   dabombishere123
Your roommate is so based, she bleached to make sure her boyfriend eats clean and kosher
94 01:29:26 $2.22   Brando Sheriff
Did y'all just hear a pterodactyl?
95 01:29:29   Takt what... did... I miss?
96 01:29:35 $5.00   HipHipFrey im so glad i have a separate audio channel for this stream vs. my zoom meeting rn XD
97 01:29:36   쏘_sso (メンバーシップ入り)
98 01:29:50 $2.00   spicy cinna Rest in pieces Headphone users
99 01:29:53 $1.99   NotSoDeadpool15
I think he broke the squeaky toy known as Scarle
100 01:30:52 $5.00   Anton Namtet
I suddenly understand why Enna just dipped
101 01:31:15 $1.99   Viv😋Hex’s ticklish bigfeet Feet Tickle tickle Free soup because hex said so Scarle Hehehe
102 01:31:43 $5.00   Anton Namtet
Be perceived. Be perceived and be noticed for asking your coworkers what they do with their booties. Be seen. Be witnessed.
103 01:31:59 $2.22   Brando Sheriff
So same time tomorrow morning?
104 01:32:22 $2.00   Pinkerton I... did I join at a bad time...?
105 01:32:36 $4.99   Nihil
How embarrassing, just like when read Scarle read Harry Cox outloud
106 01:32:39 €2.00   lone wolf
rip your voice for the coming week i guess lol
107 01:33:04 $4.99   NotSoDeadpool15
Good thing you have a humiliation kink, otherwise this would be mortifying
108 01:33:23 $10.00   Captain Leah pat pat Scarle we love you
109 01:34:04 $1.99   ArifuretaGamer
The average bed has 100,000 or 10million dustmites
110 01:34:16 $4.99   MakaMakaHiya I had several people asking me what the heck you were up to with that title and this is just a normal Tuesday for us
111 01:34:17 $1.99   Ann
hey scarle do u know maba?
112 01:34:21 PHP125.00   Obsessed Dreamer Free soup and thanks for the idea for tomorrow haha
113 01:34:52   Melissa Happy 4 months! Also don't worry, we will NOT let Hex forget what he said here
114 07月12日
  FlowerPanda Lena🦊☯️ Hi Scarle!! 10 months
115 01:35:44 $1.99   Ann
ma alls
116 01:36:34 $4.99   Delstar
Also like her roommate scarles voice is also gonna be gone for screaming the name of the person that gave them that punishment
117 01:36:49 $5.00   Anton Namtet
Hex Haywire makes the girlies snarl and bark and scream and growl about folding and bleached holes.
118 01:39:20 $1.99   BigBoyDoge
Ayo you cute when you on puppy guard mode
119 01:39:35   Vinny ・ Gottem
120 01:41:16 $5.00   moeemo that hex ice cream stream reminded me when you ate a lime popsicle
121 01:41:36 $1.99   Nihil
Tbf you did a Yoshi RP with them lollipops
122 01:42:02 £5.00   Tharja-iBW
Run sicklings she forces us into cage fights
123 01:42:17 $2.22   Brando Sheriff
Coming from the Yoshiguni who slurps popsicles
124 07月12日
  Zemaislost I watch both of you so nothing really surprises me anymore
125 01:42:51 $2.00   moeemo
you should hear her when she eats food
126 01:43:26 $1.99   Nihil
stream when?
127 01:43:42 $1.99   Norma I’ll be ur ghost roast writer pls you could win
128 01:44:20 IDR50,000.00   Antoinnette (Anet) What a way to be awake by miss Yonaguni scream, I don't mind. Please continue roasting him. I as a Sicklings support you.Help us torture him.
129 01:44:29 $5.00   Thiago TGM
Hey Scarle, i don't know if this is a good time, but we need you to approve the schedule for the next set of cage fights
130 01:45:10 $4.99   Greendzul L At this point I gladly volunteer to go the shadow realm after watching this stream
131 01:45:39 $2.00   StarCreator so what's on youtu right no-- what is this
132 01:46:59 $1.99   Ann
i thought u said shower realm bye
133 01:47:19 $4.99   Aikaj 👹 Between the bleaching and the fboy laugh,I haven’t made any progress getting ready for work. I did hit my knee on my dresser while laughing tho
134 01:50:03 $1.99   ArifuretaGamer
I'd rather a plank.
135 01:51:22 $2.00   LuisPJ
when is scarlos coming back
136 01:51:47 $5.00   TheDreddedOne 🍥 BURN THIS MONSTROSITY TO THE GROUND D:
137 01:52:25 $1.99   Delstar
What’s going on here?
138 01:52:26 $1.99   Greendzul L
Chat Follow me to the shadow realm its safe
139 01:52:36 PHP50.00   NortNort
140 01:52:55 $2.00   Onii San Mr pickle asmr Stream when?
141 01:53:13 $4.99   NotSoDeadpool15
This isn’t the first time I’ve had to ask “what’s a pickle doing in Uranus” and it’s still just as disturbing
142 01:54:27 $4.99   Nihil
Say, “Let’s play Titanic, you be the ocean and I’ll go down on you.”
143 01:54:29 $1.99   ArifuretaGamer
Welcome back to disturbing reality.
144 01:54:33 £5.00   Tharja-iBW
The more you try to imitate Hex the more you sound like Kyo trying his best to rizz someone, and somehow doing a worse job.
145 01:55:22 $1.99   johari aquart
*Stabs Mr pickle to death* we’re free now chat
146 01:56:35 $4.99   Delstar
Hey mr pickle you remind me of my clock because I want to pin you up against the wall all hours of the day
147 01:56:45 $1.99   johari aquart
You’re dead Mr pickle. You can’t harm us anymore.
148 01:57:21 $4.99   Norma
you know those gaps between your fingers? i think they were made for mine
149 01:57:39 $5.00   Captain Leah
I might be a pickle but you'll be a cue-comer
150 01:58:13 $2.00   Cyborg Ed Ah I made a huge mistake waking up
151 01:58:32 $1.99   John S Are you a bunny cause I wanna snuggle you all day
152 01:59:00 $4.99   NotSoDeadpool15
Mr pickle I’m jealous of your heart, cause it’s pumping inside you and I’m not
153 02:00:58 MYR6.00   edoge14 There's a sale at my place. Clothes are 100% off
154 02:02:20 $4.99   johari aquart
Yes officer it was this pickle and streamer right here. They MADE ME FEEL UNCLEAN!!!! They need a instant tour of the shadow realm jail isn’t enough.
155 02:02:45 $5.00   zayj34
hey Mr. pickle let's play house. you be my door and I'll slam you
156 02:02:53 $5.00   dayvena Hope your having a fun stream scarle there always enjoyable times
157 02:04:21 $4.99   Norma
Einstein once said "nothing is faster than light" well he obviously didnt saw how fast ive fallen for you.
158 02:06:14 CLP2,500   F e l o C Morenita the one time i miss a stream and we going h0rny mode? before lunch? let me get cook you something first?
159 02:07:52 $4.99   Delstar
I might not have an internship but I got the case of In-to-her ship for you
160 02:09:04 $2.00   Roughtimes That's wrong it's the Bulag if it's in the goonies
161 02:09:19 MYR6.00   Xanxus998 it means the game has 3 A's in its exam
162 02:09:37 $1.99   NotSoDeadpool15
H**ny people already are doing “hard” time
163 02:11:05 $5.00   zayj34
remember that hour we were discussing bleached butts?
164 02:12:01 $1.99   johari aquart
Shu get the cops she’s corrupting us she not seiso
165 02:12:54 $4.99   Nihil
Reminder to the new people to sign up for the complimentary Donut Liquor from our enchantress
166 02:17:18   ThatSonOfAGun *pat pat*
167 02:17:33 $5.00   zayj34
maybe it's a good thing you spend so much time in your room, outside is...difficult apparently
168 07月12日
  Kiwi 🥝 its okay i love you just the way you are my dear
169 02:18:18 $1.99   Delstar
Nijisanji should lock you out too
170 02:18:23 $2.00   Scott Graham
Also couldn't find her phone while it was ringing
171 02:19:19 $2.00   Prince Hawke(Daily Scarle booper) daily boop of nose & headpats for are special oshi
172 02:24:20 $5.00   Aaron Macias scarle you give me the motivation to keep my room clean
173 02:25:20 $5.00   Talthar Scarle has her bed cluttered so you are forced to be as close as possible if she lures you into it.
174 02:25:36 $5.00   LuisPJ
maybe you should get a COVID Test if you can't smell
175 02:28:18 $5.00   Charlie Spurr Why are you destroying Uranus? It's the most based planet. Also I loved running around as a Scarling! I even won a Scarling duel
176 02:30:03 $5.00   Rebecca My bestie just got me addicted to red bull lol Now it gets me through the day
177 02:32:03 $5.00   Charlie Spurr
It's hard Scarle door dash is great for lazy people like us who don't wanna cook or go out
178 02:33:19 $4.99   Delstar
Hey girl are you Uranus because I want to be like Pain and invade to bring the Planetary Devastation
179 02:34:58 $2.00   Charlie Spurr
This world will know Pain!
180 02:36:18 $5.00   zayj34
you can get low calorie stuff at panda, I actually used it to diet!
181 02:36:45 $5.00   Charlie Spurr
Scarle please zoom in more I don't think you're zoomed in enough
182 02:37:45 $2.22   Brando Sheriff
BOOP, nose stolen again
183 02:38:31 MYR6.00   edoge14
I think someone beat you to it Brando
184 02:39:42 $2.00   Bintock Scarle, Delstar and Muffin are now an item I think
185 02:39:51 $1.99   Delstar
Hey girl can I have some and Dim sum after?
186 02:42:17 $1.99   Delstar
Can I ship mr pickle and me instead?
187 02:42:18 $2.00   StarCreator
do you qualify for flat rate shipping?
188 02:43:01 $5.55   Brando Sheriff
How about a shipping joke? I'll tell it to you, and you'll get it in 4-5 business days
189 02:44:09 $5.00   Gigazer oh wait its 7/11, free slurpees
190 02:44:16   maquenonexistent Scarle!!! I just got married!!! I didn't realize it was also my 4 month!!!
191 02:45:07 $1.99   Delstar
You never participated in pleasure island either
192 02:45:19 $2.00   Galileo Allonsy Gallifrey Ship fictional characters? Okay, Vaporeon and who?
193 02:46:29   Centiii (メンバーシップ入り)
194 02:47:59 A$7.99   Kales Lags The vaporeon meme is an example of a copypasta. So yeah :3
195 02:49:35 $2.00   Charlie Spurr
Scarle x Viole and Charlie x Verde
196 02:51:19 CA$2.00   Banglog I want to know how long you go on tiktok now
197 02:52:02 $5.00   Charlie Spurr
For anyone wondering, Scarle graduated High School in 1911 and has been in University ever since. She's ancient.
198 02:54:28 €2.00   Gyro Juggler Uranus being in retrograde makes me a sad lad
199 02:57:29 $5.00   PrimisOm3n *daily early kiss on the nose* plus boop *runs Away
200 02:57:30 $5.00   Charlie Spurr
Scarle I'm suing, I lost an eye after watch your streams, I suspect you hit it with a Booba.
201 02:59:33 $4.99   Ann
me when im in a messy room competition and my opponent is scarle yonaguni of nijisanji en’s 6th wave iluna
202 03:00:03 $1.99   チル怠惰[Chill Sloth] Your room is like a eldritch horror with Fredrick
203 03:00:30   trilands (メンバーシップ入り)
204 03:08:07 $4.99   NotSoDeadpool15
Can’t wait to see Master Cheeks clap John Cena with a mossberg
205 03:11:33   Wild Ramenluchador Productions (メンバーシップ入り)
206 03:17:35 $5.00   yumehaeya⚡🐑[proud comfydant] this story is great lmao. I love when you stream when I'm able to watch live! I'm always asleep during your normal time ehehe.
207 03:18:18 $5.00   Wild Ramenluchador Productions the title... are some type of spaceGod? and my name is Luchador not lun
208 03:22:19 $1.99   Nihil
Wait, doesn’t that mean Rosemi has a bigger cake?
209 03:24:17 MYR6.00   edoge14
Definitely rigged. How'd you get third?
210 03:24:37 $1.99   Nihil
You’ll always be #1 side oshi to me
211 03:25:30 $2.22   Brando Sheriff
Hi Mamaguni (with rizz)
212 03:25:39 $5.00   The Professor Keen
You are my only oshi now that fox mommy is gone.
213 03:25:48 $4.99   Haru Kiba-Cure Taurus [EN Vtuber] As the queen who I ask for the hand in marriage… why did you embarrass yourself with Enna.
214 03:30:08 $5.00   muse unfortunately i have to leave for work now but it's been rly fun to watch your sussy chaotic comfiness (?) during my lunch break! have a good stream
215 03:35:58 MYR15.00   Xanxus998
so when's mommaguni coming for a room cleaniness spot check ? i need to get a sharp suit to meet her
216 03:36:12 $1.99   Delstar
I’d cheat on mr pickle with Mamaguni ngl
217 03:38:33 $1.99   Delstar
Mother knows breast
218 03:38:37 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
mommaguni based af , r u really her daughter ?
219 03:41:03 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
newbies luck royale
220 03:42:02 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
12 year olds with their xbox mic shouting at you
221 03:42:04 $1.99   Delstar
More like big Simp dumbalicious
222 03:43:47 $4.99   NotSoDeadpool15
Those 12 year olds don’t know what they were asking for Scarle in the kitchen always scares me
223 03:44:28 MYR15.00   Xanxus998
this is why us gamers just bully dem kids in game literally by owning them
224 03:46:05 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
did u drop it or actually used it as sauce ?
225 03:48:29 $4.99   NotSoDeadpool15
Scarle oh god no please, no more blended monstrosities from big booba Vtubers
226 03:48:53 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
the content we deserve ? then where's mommaguni ?
227 03:50:34 $2.22   Brando Sheriff
Live footage of 2 Storm Troopers
228 03:51:37 MYR15.00   Xanxus998
both of u are missing so much i was expecting 1 of u to quit instead of taking others out
229 03:53:22 $4.99   Delstar
Hey Scarle on your very last stream in 40 years instead of Hajimemashite my dear friend are you going to say Sayonara my dear friend?
230 03:54:40 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
chat forgets Scarle lives like Shrek, in the swamp
231 03:55:27 $5.00   Bintock
There is also the possibility she doesn't know how to clean, I think there is some real possible validity here chatto. Can't stream if you can't do it
232 03:56:00 MYR15.00   Xanxus998
i cracked the code, Scarle is Shrek and we are Donkey
233 03:59:00 MYR15.00   Xanxus998
if there is battlepass then daily is a way to get more progression on the battlepass , you can pay for the battlepass and grind for the rewards in it
234 04:00:37 MYR15.00   Xanxus998
u shot the innocent NPC, optimus came to deliver justice
235 04:06:17 MYR15.00   Xanxus998
oh no the 12 yr old gonna tell his daddy thats in the special forces lol that u bullied him in game
236 04:07:50 $4.99   Jeremiah Sayain Prophet Would you ever consider playing street fighter or Tekken
237 04:09:25 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
street fighter 6 ? poor keyboard kun and table kun
238 04:11:16 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
inb4 we see Scarle steam name : Hawtmomma69
239 04:13:04 MYR15.00   Xanxus998
yes the one with joystick is a fight pad, often find pro players have their own in tournaments like EVO mine cost 200$
240 04:15:10 MYR15.00   Xanxus998
sure do a handcam, i wanna see how hard u smash the buttons and there is a lot of fighting games u can play it with
241 04:18:12 $1.99   Delstar
Hey Scarle Gimmie Huggies
242 04:19:29 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
my turn i want uppies, tho u prolly will drop me
243 04:20:17 $1.99   Delstar
Did you lose your aim in the pile of Red Bull cans
244 04:21:08 MYR15.00   Xanxus998
thats why we tell her to clean her room to find that aim back lmao
245 04:22:52 MYR15.00   Xanxus998
there is chest on the lower right corner of the screen too
246 04:24:10 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
she didnt get it chat, please tell her
247 07月12日
$2.00   Scott Graham
Your internet is telling you to clean your room