記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 51 378.93 \53,392
CA$ CAD 3 9.90 \1,054
MX$ MXN 1 65.00 \534
EUR EUR 1 2.00 \308
R$ BRL 1 5.50 \161
---- ---- ---- ---- \55,449
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:02:48   Mori Mouse (メンバーシップ入り)
2 06月17日
  GIMN055 (メンバーシップ入り)
3 00:04:58 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Nina, you are very beautiful in the wedding dress so I bought your acrylic stand and voice pack!
4 00:05:26 $100.00   Mori Mouse Welcome to hell, motherrrrrrrr.
5 06月17日
$2.00   Theocrass i love fruit leather
6 00:13:06 $2.00   Gator pls step on me Lilith
7 00:14:13   Hypecord Hello mom! its been 10 months and as always i hope you all are having a wonderful day and i have to announce that i have passed my finals few days ago
8 00:18:23 $2.00   Gator
Barb woman has abs
9 00:18:31 $2.00   Marco Harrorato (a無言スパチャ)
10 00:18:53 $1.99   brian Hello Nina, long time no see.
11 00:19:03 $5.00   Supernova J Bombastic And after stream, fox dad is going to go buy milk. sadge
12 00:19:28   Supernova J Bombastic (メンバーシップ入り)
13 00:20:26 $2.00   Michael Chevauche oh Great Nina of Kosaka hello
14 00:27:13 R$5.50   fulano Mom, I have a question about earrings: why does hoop earrings are considered "bad girl fashion", or some among the lines?
15 00:28:58 $2.00   Doom Guy SWEET BUDDHA WHAT IS THAT???
16 00:31:36   Benjamin Sherron Momma Nina I want McDonalds. Also how you doin?
17 06月17日
  八雲よみ /Yakumo Yomi THICC MOTHER
18 00:34:20   Mamiya645 I'm not a Diablo boss with voiced lines, but I'd totally make pillows out of your spare tailfluff. Enjoy the clicking!
19 06月17日
  JetStream Hi MomGlad to hear your vacation was happy; but I admit I haven't watched the returnVOD yet. Haven't played Diablo since beginning of 3.
20 00:45:45 $2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch. Right click the skill in the skill tree to Undo~
21 00:55:36   MrABKOne Shocking news: My fox Mom is a bear.
22 00:56:07   iffi (メンバーシップ入り)
23 06月17日
  YUBU I have to get ready for work in 4 hours, so I'm going to bed! Have a good time. I love you so much
24 00:58:06 $5.00   Ziryo uwu, what dis? Fox Mom is now a Bear Dad? Any plans for a co-op Diablo IV game?
25 01:05:23   Chessex [#260] Hi Nina is this your first time playing Diablo 4? Are you having fun?
26 01:09:47 CA$2.20   JetStream Boss had a deadman-switch at the ready XD hehe
27 01:09:53 $5.00   Peter Campi OBS: both the name of the software and what you say when it fails.
28 01:10:42 $5.00   Jessica Winters There's an advanced tooltip option in gameplay that gives you all the math numbers for the skills if that's what you're looking for
29 01:16:24 $2.00   midnight sky fox mom go full bear it slaps really fun.
30 01:20:53 $2.00   Ghooman (Gwardo's Hooman) TRULY SHAMEFUL THE LOT OF YOU SINFUL SINNERS.
31 01:21:41 $2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch.
Diablo 4 and OBS do NOT like each other...
32 01:25:24 $5.00   Sile Necrosis Ch.
The Game is VERY heavy on resources. The Out of Date Graphics thing is because it's not clearing it's own cache in the GPU. I had the same problem
33 06月17日
$2.00   Benji Smith Sending supas to make the driver update faster
34 06月17日
$2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch.
Speak the Words, Chat. CALL HER HOME
35 06月17日
$2.00   DAVREN HELSMERE Buy the voice packs to make downloads go faster!
36 06月17日
CA$2.20   JetStream
Hmmm... Demon-mom, or Fox mom... tough choice
37 06月17日
$5.00   Supernova J Bombastic
38 06月17日
€2.00   Gyro Juggler i love you but my love cant fix your pc im sorry
39 01:33:30 $5.00   midnight sky
fox mom i have beaten the game if u need help or get stuck just ask I will help if i can. also i have a druid as well they really fun :D
40 01:42:44 $2.00   midnight sky
the world is ending and the irs is still knocking
41 01:43:35 $2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch.
Necromancer ftw, and it's thematic xD
42 01:45:44 $2.00   midnight sky
the party limit is 5 now also shrines are shared
43 01:48:19 $2.00   midnight sky
Nina no rouge plz save your self
44 01:49:18 $2.00   midnight sky
with right setup u can have 13 pets as necro
45 01:52:33 $2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch.
theres an achieve for killing 1 of every animal
46 01:54:34 $2.00   midnight sky
legit achievements for killing 10000 spodiers
47 06月17日
$2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch.
just needs 1 of each... but she CHOSE to kill all
48 01:59:37 CA$5.50   Alias Eiriasu In case this guy sounds familiar: have you seen THE VVITCH? (colonial American horror movie)
49 06月17日
  SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo amorias ahoge Hi mom it’s been awhile missed you hope you’ve been staying being blessed
50 02:00:57 $2.00   midnight sky
lilith shrines give stats 2 all characters new&old
51 02:07:35 $2.00   midnight sky
goddess in heavenstill feel bad poor little fallen
52 02:11:32 $10.00   StreyX Hope you're enjoying the game mom, it's a fun diablo grind.
53 02:21:09 $5.00   Soorya sup mom, i have a similar thing with socializing, i like it, then get tired and then dont want to leave cus I dont want to hurt anyones feelings
54 02:22:38 $5.00   Theocrass
but nina if i don't throw the parties who is going to throw the parties???
55 02:28:01   AKinkyKadaver I'm late but did I hear a Brand New mention?
56 06月17日
$10.00   AKinkyKadaver Science Fiction lyrics repeat endlessly in my head honestly. I was always more into Taking Back Sunday type but stuff like "At the bottom of the ocean fish wont judge you by your faults" is peak.
57 02:34:05 $100.00   zack had the best night of sleep the other day to ur voice mom
58 02:34:29 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver
also I'm glad you're into Diablo 4, I really enjoyed it a lot. I need to make a new character, I wanna try out barb but I'm so busy lately
59 02:35:30 $1.99   SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo amorias ahoge
60 02:35:55   Death Hydra I’ve been debating on whether I should get this or not, is it as good as Diablo 3
61 02:41:36 $4.99   Dan Sullivan I'm in Michigan, we got the chili dogs and onions
62 02:43:10 MX$65.00   Freak Video Gamer How are you liking your Diablo Adventure Fox Mother? Are you craving for some food? What about some nice Fried Chicken or Good old Tacos!!!
63 02:43:19 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver
protip make steamed hotdogs at home by putting them in the bathroom while you shower, ez life hack
64 02:47:26 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver
sushi is so expensive here but I have had gas station sushi and ya know I think it's worth the higher price sometimes
65 03:04:05 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver
won't lie to you, I bought the 100 edition. was it worth it? no. but my impulse buying can't be helped. I worry that new classes will be monetized tbh
66 03:07:41 $4.99   Dan Sullivan
The combat in this looks fun, but I miss all of the blood and guts from the first two games.
67 03:12:58 $1.99   SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo amorias ahoge
bye mom i hope you have a wonderful day wuv you
68 03:39:30 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver
a bit of advice, if a side quest is super far away, wait until you get your horse cuz I regretted not doing that honestly
69 03:56:30   Katrina Dungo Hi ! Nina! (This is random) I’m at work I just need a little positive affirmations
70 04:12:57   Crazy_Person_23 Hey, Mom. It's always nice to see that sometimes you're still streaming after I have gotten off work, so I get to relax and watch the rest of it.
71 04:31:46 $1.99   SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo amorias ahoge
Are you winning mom?
72 04:47:47 $10.00   Danklord Weedsmash Hey Ninorita, your June Bride illustration got me quaking.
73 04:49:04 $5.00   Danklord Weedsmash
Chimken Alfwedo
74 04:55:38   Cloverlea [#47] Fun fact, "Ent" is an old English word for "Giant", so when Tolkien wanted talking trees, he just took "ent" and "tree" and mushed 'em into Treant!
75 04:58:04   MMZero Fresh Meat
76 05:08:44 $4.99   I Love Japan I love my fox mom
77 05:14:15   Rue Rua Wow I can marry mommy?