配信名【WATCHALONG】Barbie Princess Charmschool with Scarle ♡【NIJISANJI EN | Maria Marionette】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 3 17.00 \2,291
YEN YEN 2 1320 \1,320
A$ AUD 1 7.99 \735
PHP PHP 2 100.00 \245
---- ---- ---- ---- \4,591
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 02月24日
  Guto Lima (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:10:03 ¥320   『 Honey Butter 。』 Popcorn fund for maririn and Scarle
3 00:11:20 PHP50.00   Ubebe Ch. My fave Barbie movie is Barbie in Iluna Institute
4 00:12:36 A$7.99   Kales Lags The 2 barbie doll princesses are looking cute (minus the 2 day old boba)
5 00:13:47   4tonmike 4トンマイク is the scarle on the left single? asking for a friend
6 00:13:54 PHP50.00   Takeru Arino imagine Kyo is the bad boy of the Iluna Barbie LOL
7 01:35:21 $10.00   Benj | Benjodzilla If you told me a year ago that I'd be watching a barbie movie at 2 am with 2 anime girls, I would have called you crazy. Glad I'm not! Thank you for the watchalong Mari and Scarle!
8 02月24日
  xuan 軒 THANK YOU FOR THE WATCH ALONG it was very fun
9 01:40:19 $2.00   shadowdemonlord I dub thee Princess Maria of Nijisanji EN
10 02月24日
  Chia Never fully watched Barbie movies before but it’s cute
11 01:43:19 $5.00   Corbin my first barbie movie and I'm glad to have have watched it with both of you
12 01:45:06 ¥1,000   みー お仕事で、一緒には見られなかったけど、にこにこしてる二人が見られてしあわせ