配信名【ASSASSIN'S CREED II】I'm gonna beat it today【NIJISANJI EN | Selen Tatsuki】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 56 270.93 \35,508
EUR EUR 7 57.72 \8,118
CA$ CAD 11 80.00 \7,729
SEK SEK 2 200.00 \2,514
HK$ HKD 1 100.00 \1,678
A$ AUD 3 17.00 \1,516
MX$ MXN 3 143.00 \962
PHP PHP 3 225.00 \529
PEN PEN 1 11.00 \379
CLP CLP 1 500 \77
R$ BRL 1 2.00 \49
---- ---- ---- ---- \59,059
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:01:41 MX$65.00   D-Dragon Good luck defeating that Evil Pope....Hopefully not Enna style tho
3 00:06:00 CA$10.00   Momohaku Surely that thumbnail isn't flipping the birds at us?
4 00:09:02   remi🎧 (メンバーシップ入り)
5 00:09:18 $2.00   TheAntiYuu The first thing Selen does in 2023 is rob and kill
6 00:13:56   VenomSoda I was never able to get into AssCreed, my friends did tell me it was because I only played the first one
7 00:14:01   Arcangel (メンバーシップ入り)
8 00:18:26 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15 The best firewood is national treasures really gets historians heated
9 00:21:31   Dre (ドレレモン) Fumbled into a touchdown, amazing
10 00:21:31 CA$5.00   Momohaku
That sure was some tactical stealth jumping!
11 00:23:41 $5.00   Xuhle But Selen you dont have the mask anymore, they can see your face.
12 00:27:18   Supaishy Wow the 15th century charge rifle goes hard
13 00:27:39 $5.00   Theocrass THIS IS A GUN???
14 00:36:44 $5.00   Medi A man is stuck in a wall, Selen stabs the wall to get him out, and suddenly EVERYONE loses their minds...
15 00:36:55 €5.00   Marshall Banana You stabbed Enna !!!
16 00:41:23 $2.00   kennyjv game: it's a priest, selen: it's a monk
17 00:41:29 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Selen is a god I can worship
18 01月02日
  Macchi in b4 she gets detected again
19 00:45:27   billy joe【liar】 The Selen way is always the right way
20 00:52:22 $5.00   Medi
Damn he didnt even need the apple to brainwash that guy
21 01月02日
  Momohaku 5
22 00:55:57   Fire Storm Assasin's Captcha
23 01月02日
24 01:03:06   R301 is still stealth if there are no witnesses left
25 01:06:05 €5.00   Marshall Banana
You guys are getting paid ?
26 01:07:02   Shin Solaire \[T]/
27 01:13:12 $5.00   Medi
Another job well done
28 01:13:30 $2.00   TheAntiYuu
So uh... when do we stop watching...?
29 01:15:17 R$2.00   Ferrett chat watch this
30 01:15:24 $2.00   killerinstinct59 Can you change targets while aiming the gun?
31 01:16:13 €5.00   Marshall Banana
Selen the killer can she do it ? Selen the killer, no she can't.
32 01:17:09 $2.00   billy joe【liar】 Killing medics is a war crime btw
33 01:19:07 $10.00   Urban Cohort It's not actually that complicated, Selen. Someone clearly called "Fives" on that chair.
34 01:20:11 $5.00   A Pickled Cucumber No dumpy permit for that dumpy? 'fraid I cant allow you to sit
35 01:20:27 A$2.00   Shozent You need to sit on someones lap with a Learners
36 01:21:09 €5.00   Marshall Banana
Sitting without a licence ? Death. Standing without a licence ? Death. Dying without a licence ? Believe it or not also death.
37 01:26:26   mono. (メンバーシップ入り)
38 01:28:41 $5.00   Medi
Few assassins know THIS trick ->
39 01:38:40   Mordred (メンバーシップ入り)
40 01:40:21 CA$5.00   TheGreatGonzales Ubisoft be like: "Line of sight? Whas dat? That doesn't sound like one of our 3 types of missions."
41 01:47:49 CA$5.00   TheGreatGonzales
Why Vtuber? WHY?!
42 01:47:52 $5.00   Medi
Selen can't help herself when she sees a dumpy asking to be grabbed
43 01:49:09   Aeris🍭 (メンバーシップ入り)
44 01:54:32   Joseph Flowers (メンバーシップ入り)
45 01:55:26   BITEsiz (メンバーシップ入り)
46 02:03:14 $9.99   NightLight25 For everyone’s sake don’t lock on just look down please don’t ruin this
47 02:04:28 $5.00   Aefen
You know how dogs can't look straight up? Assassins can't look down Selen don't you know
48 02:04:48 $4.99   steve43ful Italians can’t look down not a lot of people know that
49 02:05:02 $5.00   Usny "look down, look down" this isn't how i remember les mis
50 02:05:44 $4.99   NightLight25
51 02:05:46 $5.00   Sirius140 It's gonna be 2024 by the time Selen realizes she can in fact look down with the camera
52 02:06:11 $10.00   Doublej126 10/10 would not look down again. When Selen freaks it, we all freak it
53 01月02日
  『Kaissics Walker l EN VTuber』 5
54 02:21:43 PEN11.00   Hanta Ch Sad thing is, I wish to take Ezio seriously, but I fear he would turn into Sonic midway and eat a chili dog.
55 02:22:07 €5.00   Marshall Banana
You had to kill him before he dies.
56 02:34:24 MX$13.00   Alaん Tellez (a無言スパチャ)
57 02:34:51 CLP500   Erasker (a無言スパチャ)
58 02:37:22 HK$100.00   R301 Hai. Heres your winnings
59 02:38:07 CA$20.00   Ionic Your winnings, madame.
60 02:38:20 $10.00   Dekltob The Selen cut
61 02:38:31 $2.00   Aefen
62 02:39:47 A$10.00   Redus I can't believe Medi fell off the building 'accidentally'.
63 02:39:54 $2.00   Leo Fdz i was saving for my kids food but heres your cut
64 01月02日
  Mrblueblur If you ever wanna find the glyphs, my best advice is to look in the database and look at locations with an symbol. Use eagle vision at these places
65 02:40:39 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Medi is Deady
66 02:40:40   AeCeldra 4 months slayyyyy
67 02:41:08 $10.00   Medi
It's okay Selen I wont tell anyone *sniff*
68 01月02日
  King Fischer a benevolent god
69 02:50:47 $2.00   Usny
the only gacha with worse rates than fgo
70 02:53:40 $5.00   Theocrass
Selen confirmed for horse girl. Don't be fooled Selen! Horses are demons from hell, and we need to send them all back!
71 02:53:58 $4.99   Alex Chamblin Selen: I’m a good person Also Selen: Plows through everyone with a feeling horse
72 01月02日
  Argent Birds are based
73 02:55:02   weed hi (メンバーシップ入り)
74 02:56:40 $4.99   nullruby bradshaw SELEN reminder you can stab people inside of the haystack
75 03:05:23   Aki Kleist hi
76 03:24:41 $2.00   Isai Gutierrez with this SpongeBob Collab, I might try Minecraft
77 03:28:00 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Some things never change
78 03:31:55 $10.00   Senorcholo
79 03:42:29 CA$10.00   Momohaku
Rock too strong
80 01月02日
  Jin🍹 stealth
81 03:56:46   mureye (メンバーシップ入り)
82 03:59:36 $2.00   A Pickled Cucumber
The ultimate fight: God vs Anime
83 04:01:04   sang nam How can 1 fat pope be so skillful
84 04:05:49 PHP125.00   Stari It would make sense that the leader of the Catholic Church would be weak to pointy objects since Jesus was nailed to the cross.
85 04:09:07 $2.00   Gator Is this what Tom Cruise believes?
86 04:13:06 $5.00   Anton Namtet Play AC Brotherhood to find out what happens immediately after this
87 04:19:24 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
88 04:20:11 MX$65.00   InfernityZ3r0 I wish to be back in 2012 when i was happy :')
89 04:25:05 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15
IMO black flag is the best AC
90 01月02日
  Heenaur | @vanihina
91 04:29:51   Zartiel Is there any chance that you can play Madison?
92 04:31:09 $10.00   yuna yuna this was such a fun stream selen!! its my birthday could pls sing a happy bday ur my favourite
93 04:31:38 $10.00   Senorcholo
que Pasa selen it cool to see you play assassin creed 2, I haven't play that game ever since 4 grade and it cool to revisit that game again gracias
94 04:36:04 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
Selen Let's Just watch Cats at this point
95 04:36:11 PHP50.00   Fudgetop I SUGGESTED NOTHING
96 04:36:51 $2.00   Usny
god grant me the power to block and report my oshi
97 04:36:51 $0.99   Senorcholo
98 04:37:25 CA$5.00   Momohaku
Can I just commit Seppuku instead please?
99 04:37:39 CA$5.00   TheZonderman why do my oshi's make me watch dogpoop movies I would never watch otherwise
100 04:38:05 €27.72   Yo Man Hey Selen, maybe you'd be interested in the Bloodstained series and Blaster Master Zero trilogy. They are in sale in Steam and are nice 2d classic style action games with some non-linearity in them.
101 04:38:24 €5.00   Marshall Banana
Uwe boll's movies are great Selen i recommend.
102 04:39:01 SEK100.00   Sharko Let's watch the DOOM movie starring the Rock, yes the Rock.
103 04:41:04 $4.99   Bob Ross I will eat you and thanks once again for streaming
104 04:41:21 $5.00   Joshua Gir Oh yeah. There's going to be a Bioshock Movie
105 01月02日
  Bren Dan Hi Selen! I'm back from Army Camp, I'm sorry for not watching your recent streams as I was too Busy, I hope u r doing well and Happy New Year!
106 04:42:59 $5.00   Senorcholo
I heard their gonna be a god of war TV series
107 04:44:32 SEK100.00   Sharko
Statement from Halo tv show writers: We did not know games could have good story. Books, lore what's that?
108 04:46:20 PHP50.00   Stari
Arcane and Edgerunners are good.
109 04:49:20 CA$5.00   Momohaku
I mean whats the point of buying a smart TV that is forcing ads when I could just use a monitor that's ad free...
110 04:51:16 $5.00   Shaun TVs are just like big monitors... it's the *live television service* that has ads lol.
111 04:57:46   Bogey (メンバーシップ入り)
112 05:10:37 CA$5.00   TheZonderman
you think someone would do that just go on the internet and lie?
113 05:11:01 $5.00   gamrage It's a myth that turkeys drown in rain, but it's a fact that birds will look straight up during hail storms.
114 05:11:53 $5.00   Owlette You think someone would do that? Go into the town square and lie?
115 05:15:00 CA$5.00   Momohaku
Wait are you telling me you could walk near a home and eat a bucket of **** on the head?
116 05:16:10   Mousse Shinon (メンバーシップ入り)
117 05:17:20 $5.00   Ronky 23 most people who say they were born in the wrong time, imagine they were born as one of the rich upper class, which is still a worse off
118 05:17:21 $5.00   SuperNeonZane Damn, i joined late didnt i, im sorry selen.
119 05:17:42 $5.00   NotSoDeadpool15
But there were only like 20 years of stuff you had to know EZ
120 05:17:46   Tipork YT That is the point selen
121 05:18:25 A$5.00   Jonathan Perry You could even get deported to australia
122 05:19:11   Sheldore (メンバーシップ入り)
123 05:21:34 $5.00   EnvyMizuhashi Congrats on beating AC2! It's a game I remember very fondly...mostly because it's the only game I got all achievements for, but also everything else!
124 05:23:00   Yippers (メンバーシップ入り)