配信名【FACTORIO】the Momnissiah must feed. she. must. grow.【NINA KOSAKA - ETHYRIA】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 49 447.55 \58,123
£ GBP 3 181.99 \29,258
EUR EUR 11 60.00 \8,474
CA$ CAD 5 37.00 \3,602
SEK SEK 2 150.00 \1,889
PHP PHP 1 500.00 \1,189
VND 1 200000 \1,107
MYR MYR 1 30.00 \917
CLP CLP 1 5000 \805
CZK CZK 1 100.00 \592
WON KRW 1 5000 \527
R$ BRL 1 5.00 \127
ZAR - 1 32.99 \32
---- ---- ---- ---- \106,642
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 01月28日
  Ketsuya 5
2 01月29日
  ice cream bone (メンバーシップ入り)
3 01月29日
  Zyidrem (メンバーシップ入り)
4 00:03:00 $10.00   Odyssey Eurobeat Hangover Recovery Fund
5 00:05:32 $2.00   NotSoDeadpool15 All Hail The Momnissiah
6 00:06:42   Heatedpete The Canticles of Vocalisation have been recited, the audio machine spirit functions. Praise the Momnissiah!
7 00:07:26 $2.00   Greg D Microphone and Wine Fund.
8 00:07:56 $10.00   Dan Sullivan I like that one BGM you have that sounds like DirecTV test channel music. The chill soft rocky one. "Gambler's Delight" I think it was called? Is that a Nina exclusive or can I find that somewhere?
9 01月29日
  Ziryo 13 glorious months of Fox Mom! Here's to another 13+! I hope you have a good time with the game and have a good year! Praise the Momnissiah!
10 01月29日
  TheMentorOfHoneys just wanna say, the way you positively influenced my live deserves losing my soul to an internet fox mom
11 00:09:12   mentaljedi Give you've played satisfactory, once you get past the initial gameplay differences, you'll adapt fast i think. Have fun!
12 00:09:30 $2.00   Greg D
Did you start drinking today? How much yesterday?
13 00:10:16 $5.00   Whisperers Careful. Too much of a good thing can have dire consequences. Even good emotions.
14 00:11:48   RedRaccoon (メンバーシップ入り)
15 01月29日
  RosieKizuna Kira 💙
16 00:12:34 $100.00   ComradeTasker (a無言スパチャ)
17 00:15:11   nina no context mom just be careful factorio isnt nicknamed cractorio without reason
18 00:33:10 $20.00   ike9899 Even when broke, I serve the Momnissiah.
19 00:39:44   Patrick Rose (メンバーシップ入り)
20 01月29日
  DANIELOL8 mom, I hope you are doing great these days and rest well when it is necessary , love you
21 00:43:59 $2.00   Marco Harrorato (a無言スパチャ)
22 00:45:38 £174.99   Jonathan Faulkner Hi everyone hope you all have a great day and mum go and get breakfast
23 00:46:20 ₩5,000   TETO감자 It's 3 am here, so I have to go sleep now... but I'll make sure to watch archive! Good night, bootiful fox mom! love you sowwy for bad English
24 00:47:51   Lord of shrimp (メンバーシップ入り)
25 00:50:15 $5.00   rabidmutt87 from the moment mom understood the weakness of her flesh, it disgusted her. she craved the strength and certainty of steel.
26 00:53:17 €5.00   Der Waldapotheker (a無言スパチャ)
27 01月29日
  wolf_o_fate I have to say your voice is soothing and I’ve listened to vods on day were I can’t sleep, is there a plan for a bedtime story stream?
28 00:55:35   ancientpower dwarf fortress when
29 00:59:42   Orion Hunter (メンバーシップ入り)
30 01:02:03 ₫200,000   RedRaccoon definitely excited for the bed time story stream I cant sleep without your voice moma
31 01:06:56 $4.99   Johnathon Upadhyay Mankind’s struggle to boil more water
32 01:07:34 $5.00   Uberdjura Hi Nina! Love vibing to your stream. Atleast you're not dealing with Oil in Factorio yet. ;- )
33 01月29日
  bariloaf 5
34 01:09:31 $4.99   Fred104 Funny you should mention that. I may be 150 hours into satisfactory right now because of a certain fox and building an oil refinery right now lol
35 01:11:58 $6.66   Urban Cohort Hello, Mother! Have you ever suddenly become hyper-aware of your tongue, or how your shoulders are kinda heavy? Cheers! :)
36 01:13:26 $10.00   The Professor Keen I was not expecting blessed Nina screams today, but here we go. BTW, make guns, armor and other Defense systems if you can. This world is not safe.
37 01:13:29 ZAR32.99   Michael Louwrens Thanks for blessing my ear! Blood is normal right?
38 01:28:10 €20.00   lumisula Ear blessings! Ear blessings for everyone!
39 01:29:47 CA$2.00   bariloaf does the truth......BUG you... KEK
40 01:34:31 $5.00   foxxknight didn't you say at first your going to marry the bugs daughter when you first started
41 01:35:44 CZK100.00   Zdeněk Wait, Nina, you're playing Factorio , my favourite game? I must've missed the memo. Enjoy the game! The factory must grow.
42 02:16:16   Gup The only good bug is a dead bug. -Starship Troopers-
43 02:19:31 $5.00   Dee Carter A scientist? with your theoretical degree?
44 02:22:03 $49.99   Вадим Шевченко приветики Нина, давно не удавалось на твои стримы залететь. хочу чтоб ты посмотрела последнюю нарезку твоего стима, на канале «ArLeKiN D.K., The Everchosen of Honeybunnies»(не говорю сейчас, но если тебе не составит труда, оставь там комментарий)
45 02:23:07   Вадим Шевченко вчера у меня пульс был 168, и мне было немножко плохо, но я продолжал работать ;)
46 02:23:28 CA$10.00   Inkerlink Mom is cutest when pumping obscene amounts of fossil fuels into the atmosphere.
47 02:27:17   Max Lie Бесплатный супер чат.
48 02:37:16   Customer Support Johnson Mom! Thank you for letting join your fold and be a part of your mombership. Here's to many more!
49 01月29日
  Inu- kun Almost at a whole year with the best fox mom. Thanks for being absolutely amazing Nina
50 02:43:30 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi The ultimate QA move is to let mistakes happen lol
51 02:45:16 €5.00   ph4nt4sy it is beautifull plz don't look up efficient base layouts and keep doing your thing i want to see more!
52 02:48:03 $5.00   Dan Sullivan
I am the Lorax, I speak for the trees! Change your evil ways or I'll cover you in pollution-mutated bees
53 02:50:09 $1.99   「HET」 ツ Нина, исследуй логистику 1 чтобы легче ленты юзать
54 02:52:24 $4.99   「HET」 ツ
Research logistics 1. And spread the red bottles evenly across the labs by Z+left click. This way research will be faster
55 03:17:21 $5.00   Ziryo Fox Mom...has to be forced to drink wine and play game!? NEW LORE!
56 03:24:52 $5.00   Gup Fox Mom is best gamer, she plays the games I like to play
57 03:30:40   Kevin Ian Bates Yo 9 Months FTW with MOM!
58 03:35:44 MYR30.00   Kevin Ian Bates So, random question, if your feeling depressed/stress, what is your go to video to lift your spirits back up. Mine is a group of kamen riders walking out of the cheering crowd to fight the bad guys,
59 03:43:45 CA$10.00   Inkerlink
Why wash your face when you're going to get bug guts on it anyway?
60 03:58:00 $5.00   Clockwerk sounds like mom is becoming an eco-villian from captain planet
61 01月29日
  D11 mom, you're not meeting the production quotas...
62 04:08:49 $5.00   Argent I didn't just wake up....
63 04:16:51 R$5.00   Horlof just got hit with inspiration on what to draw, thanks mom
64 01月29日
  Bishop X
65 04:18:09 €2.00   Priccio Time we have technology!!
66 04:21:16 CLP5,000   Tio Namusan yeh, cutting trees isnt rlly the best option, u usually wait until getting the flamethrower and just, burn them (??
67 04:25:21   BlkSwn (メンバーシップ入り)
68 04:27:39 €5.00   acceptable casualty she wasn't lying, that factussy really can pollute the environment. Hai Nina, was at work for the last few hours, but im here now, ready to dissapoint
69 04:29:38 €2.00   acceptable casualty
hiiiii ninaaaaaaaaaa im tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired
70 04:34:33 €2.00   acceptable casualty
"To fail is to be flesh, only metal endures."
71 04:34:40   John V Ave vulpa, ave Momnissiah. Good morning, Nina!
72 04:34:44   Yoyo nice speedrun
73 04:35:01 SEK50.00   Otto VRChat Loved watching this stream
74 04:35:20 $4.99   Nihil Loads of fun. Hell yeah brother. Need more guns tho
75 04:36:23 €5.00   acceptable casualty
"The Machine is strong. We must purge the weak, hated flesh and replace it with the blessed purity of metal. Punish the flesh. Hail the Machine!"
76 04:36:53   Zorchenhimer dying is all part of the process
77 04:37:43 €10.00   acceptable casualty
"There is no truth in flesh, only betrayal. There is no strength in flesh, only weakness. There is no constancy in flesh, only decay. There is no certainty in flesh but death." — The Dogma Mechanicus
78 04:51:50 €2.00   acceptable casualty
Factorio OST straight to the feels, man
79 04:53:18 €2.00   acceptable casualty
Factorio gets you either a Degree or a Grave
80 04:57:13 $5.00   Uberdjura
aggressive in depth backseating advice that is VERY condescending.
81 05:12:05 CA$5.00   Inkerlink
Warning: This game is addictive. Better late than never.
82 05:33:20 $5.00   Clockwerk
wait whats your question momma? i'll try my best to answer in a coherent manner
83 05:34:22   Theocrass (メンバーシップ入り)
84 05:34:40 £2.00   mentaljedi But Nina, should I drink?
85 05:41:17 $5.00   Clockwerk
alrighty i just got invited to eat beef and drink so i love ya mom but...... enjoy factorio! its an awsome game!
86 06:12:57 $5.00   GohanBento When you really think about it, vtubing is just an evolution of puppet theater
87 06:14:51 $9.99   RaydoBaconDude You’re not dumb you just unlocked intelligence, You are a boss. Like how I lock My fridge full of bacon so the Authorities and the skinwalker in my Attic cant steal it.
88 06:21:02   Patchworkx (メンバーシップ入り)
89 01月29日
  sansnom wow, you haven't managed to get rid of me yet. not bad for a young whippersnapper like yourself
90 06:41:16 $0.99   RaydoBaconDude
91 06:52:15 $5.00   Dan Sullivan
Cable mgmt = labelmaker + scotchtape, cable tubes, UPS w/extension cords + 3 outlet adapters, homemade network cables with jacks/cable bought in bulk
92 07:06:25 $2.00   JP Ng them be fighting words ninaur
93 07:08:52 $5.00   smooth bandit Wait until you get trains. Then the game really ramps up. Will there be an episode 2?
94 07:11:16 $5.00   Gup
just be glad they got rid of pink science. you had to kill countless aliens for that.
95 07:12:14 CA$10.00   Alias Eiriasu Some folks were born to play Factorio, oooh that red, green, and blue (science) It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no Fortunate Mom, no no
96 07:23:45 $4.99   「HET」 ツ
Nina, you can load all your science into one lab and then inserters will put it to other labs
97 07:49:41 $25.00   Argent
Just wanted to say I've missed the fox mom marathon streams.
98 07:50:22   Katrina Dungo Mamas brain is scrambled
99 07:50:56 $20.00   Shawn Valiant Even in debt, I serve the Momnissiah
100 07:55:06 $10.00   The Phantomnaut Mom still at it with the factorying.
101 08:01:26 £5.00   wellfukku hi momma, my day is not going to great but i hope yours is, i am glad to see you live, it brightens my day today and many other days! wuv u
102 01月29日
  ShadowNerd [#323] Secret Supa
103 08:07:58 PHP500.00   Edward Villa If you read this You'll stub your toe on a Fire Extinguisher, To be free of the curse, Say "...." to your nearest Cat.
104 08:11:24 $9.99   BlkSwn Respect the grind
105 08:12:16   ko pi (メンバーシップ入り)
106 08:14:24 $5.00   Mysterious Stranger I thought I was safe from the bugs too Nina, I am now be set on all sides.
107 08:21:31   Heath Camphire Nina, I've been waiting for you to finish so I can watch the vod... I didn't realize this would be Satisfactory 2.0
108 08:29:26 $5.00   Pinkerton I'm off to dinner. May your servos hum a harmonious litany and your production be prolific.
109 01月29日
  Nyaaa Hi mom!! Have you eaten your dinner?
110 08:34:29 $1.99   Greg D
Nina, It's been 8 hours, did u use the bathroom?
111 08:35:59 SEK100.00   Otto VRChat
What's a solar?
112 08:38:54 $2.00   Marco Harrorato
113 08:56:35 $20.00   scorpion core universe Do you have any mods on?
114 09:26:54 $2.00   Sir Robert Baker aka The MuffUp Reviewer Dr. Insano, eat your heart out! lol
115 09:34:17   Zach Bass Hydration check
116 09:48:19 $5.00   darklink97 theres a lot of numbers on the screen, but you're the only ten i see Nina