配信名:【M.M.M.】Monday Morning Malas : Welcome back Monday【Ayunda Risu】
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00:02:17 Katya M13
00:03:21 Katya M13 Hewrroooo
00:03:57 Katya M13 [EN] R: for those who haven't eaten yet, eat. because i am eating rn too
00:04:07 Katya M13 [EN] c: what you eating? R: rice
00:04:30 Katya M13 cloudy, perfect to be malas
00:05:17 Katya M13 [EN] c: what's the realtion between cloudy and hunfry? R" when it's cold, it's easy to get hungry
00:06:20 Katya M13 [EN] c: isn't cold weather gonna induce stomachache? R" after stomachache, you go to toilet. after toilet, you go hungry right?
00:06:49 Katya M13 [EN] c: i just went to the capital, i got a culture shock of people eating mie ayam (chicken noodle) as breakfast
00:07:06 Katya M13 [EN] c: mie ayam for breakfast is delicious. R: don;t you get stomachache? it's noodle
00:07:52 Katya M13 Ganba turu~
00:08:56 Katya M13 no pejuang senin, malas lv maxxed out www
00:10:00 Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris, i have a dream of meeting risunalities last night. R: i have a dream too where i became 2 people, so Ayunda and Risu both exist at the same time
00:10:09 Katya M13 [EN] c: not just one of them? R: no
00:10:29 Katya M13 [EN] c: how did you felt? R: just normal. c: so 2 people one mind? R: yea
00:11:24 Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris, i got shocked when i entered my room my bed is gone, turns out it is covered by the bed sheet xixixi
00:12:04 Katya M13 [EN] c: when holoid member, what are you guys usually talk about? R: maybe like the usual ones you see in Area15+1, random stuff
00:12:16 Katya M13 [EN] R: like, yesterday i saw this on the road, etc
00:13:09 Katya M13 [EN] c: bro, when among talents are angry/mad at each other, how to solve it? R: this far, no one is getting angry at each other
00:13:36 Katya M13 ngga ngambek, cuma kadang ngebully satu sama lain aja wkwkwk
00:13:57 Katya M13 [EN] R: if i told you what i just done, you will say "it's a scam, the malas (lazy) is just a gimmick"
00:14:34 Katya M13 [EN] c: just done ironing your clothes? R: no, i did exercise, then bath, then streaming while eating. now i'm malas
00:14:55 Katya M13 [EN] c: running? R: not running, just walking
00:15:26 Katya M13 jalan di senin pagi agar siap menjalani minggu ini
00:16:40 Katya M13 [EN] c: what happened? why did you suddenly do exercise before MMM? R: i just never told you guys, coz i never got asked
00:18:50 Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris, what to do when having a friend who often lies and likes to go to your house? i often believed to their lies
00:18:52 Katya M13 [EN] R: if they often tell lies, that means their usual way of talking is like that, you better tell them to stop coming to your house, it's not their house
00:20:04 Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris, is it true if we have small wife we call her microwife?
00:20:29 Katya M13 [EN] c: when i saw clip of Area15.1, i see you guys like that stuff. R: what that stuff?
00:21:18 Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris, RisOllie membership collab when?
00:21:38 Katya M13 same, i spend last 2 days being a hiki in my room doing nothing www
00:23:10 Katya M13 nice gift~
00:24:10 Katya M13 [EN] SC: Hello Risu, i worked since last night to this morning, so today i have a break. Because of that i can relax today while watching MMM. R: Otsukare on the work
00:24:31 Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris what do you do after waking up from sleep? R: i sit, and then go to the toilet
00:25:24 Katya M13 [EN] R: brushing my teethe, then take a bath. but if it's the day i have exercise, i go RTA, exercise, then bath
00:27:28 Katya M13 www
00:28:15 Katya M13 isekaied to stardew valley seems nice. Don't need to pay food and rent to survive there
00:28:46 Katya M13 [EN] c: if you wanna go to toge pro you can just go to Tangerang. R: really?
00:29:22 Katya M13 yabe\
00:29:54 Nirmala Yumeria ch. 【 Project Yoru 】 Mampir sebentar buat nyapa selamat pagi risdu~
00:30:32 Nirmala Yumeria ch. 【 Project Yoru 】 Ohayogozaimalas~
00:31:11 Nirmala Yumeria ch. 【 Project Yoru 】 pentingnya minum air putih di kala kepanasan
00:31:59 Katya M13 [EN] N: the importance of drinking water when it's hot. R: yes, because you can get dizzy if you are not well-dehydrated
00:32:04 Katya M13 [EN] *well hydrated
00:34:19 Katya M13 [EN] R: i saw great house designs on the internet, but it's not really good for tropical climate, so if it's build in ID you can get roasted alive. Good design is okay, but adjust to where you live in
00:35:02 Katya M13 [EN] c: if you live in mountains, you are fine, but if you are living in city, congrats you'll turn into steamed human
00:35:14 Katya M13 [EN] R: yea, even in mountain area now it's getting hotter
00:36:30 Katya M13 [EN] c: ris, tips for security guards to have high spirit in doing their job. R: smile often, because when you smile that makes others feels better and it become a better day
00:37:08 Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris, it's still morning but i already got a sus text/readings from Aisu. R: where? www
00:38:10 Katya M13 [EN] dono: Ris, my wife is having her birthday, can you wish a happy bd? R: happy birthday big sis Lisa, i hope you can stay young and always get loved by your husband. Ultah~
00:39:49 Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris, i want to name my birds as one and two. so if "one" died i can say "i still have two birdies"
00:40:09 Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris, who's the girl in the thumbnail? R: my girl
00:40:24 Katya M13 lah kok maen klaim, cewek kita lah wkwkw
00:41:02 Katya M13 [EN] c: live chat is really, when it's abput "bird" you guys go fast. R: don't you realize the topic you brought is baiting?
00:42:04 Katya M13 otsu nyetak~
00:42:28 Katya M13 oooh spicehhh
00:42:50 Katya M13 [EN] c: Risu did yu bought something in the last CF? R: no
00:43:44 Katya M13 [EN] c: what do you do if you have superpower? R: if the super power can't make money, i can't eat. even superman have a job to be able to eat
00:44:47 Katya M13 [EN] c: realistic or capilatistic? R: no need to talk capitalist stuff, the fact is we need money to get anything
00:45:12 Katya M13 [EN] c: what do you had for breakfast? R: rice, what rice? white rice
00:46:35 Katya M13 [EN] R: the thing is, being the middle class in ID is not enough, because it's not poor but not wealthy. working hard, but it's just enough. difficult to buy a house, for children's school tuition etc
00:47:53 Katya M13 [EN] c: if life is hard but still need to work hard, that's not middle class anymore. R: are you sure? c: i'm being serious? R: really? www
00:49:05 Katya M13 middle class gaenak ges, menidng bangku belakang class, bisa makan, bisa ngobrol, bisa maen kartu (selama guru tidak tahu) www
00:49:43 Katya M13 [EN] c: do you know if we put cucumber in a vinegar brine, we can get a vehicle. a car (acar=pickle)
00:51:00 Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris, i'll have a test next week, pls pray for me. R: i hope you can do your test well
00:51:42 Katya M13 [EN] c: have you got smallpox? R: i did, yea
00:52:20 Katya M13 [EN] R: but fr, in tv we heard about using cream to looks 10 years younger. that's actually an investment, especially for girls
00:52:47 Katya M13 [EN] R: for girls, there's biological clock, like looks, fertility, etc. so it's not bad to take care of that from now
00:53:18 Katya M13 [EN] c: if a 10 years use that cream, they'll become baby? R: it doesn't work lke that
00:53:31 Katya M13 [EN] R: but teenagers now looks older, so they need to use skin care
00:54:24 Katya M13 [EN] c: my friend is in their 40s but looks like ik their 30s. R: it can be because their life style, or their diet or maybe it's just they have that kind of face
00:55:50 Katya M13 [EN] c: my mom said i'm handsome. R: ofc, the one birthed you is your mom, no way she gonna refund you if you are not good looking, that's why she praises you www
00:56:29 Katya M13 [EN] c: my mom said i am similar to dog, cute when smol but ugly when old
00:58:06 Katya M13 [EN] c: when i met moms, they call me handsome, but when i am with people of the same age, they said i'm average, did o came to this world in the wrong era? R: each people have different tastes
01:00:14 Katya M13 [EN] (Risu is using an influencer's accent and chat realizing it)
01:01:33 Katya M13 [EN] R: yea, that one. the one whose younger sibling is also the same, has some screw loose www
Katya M13 [EN] c: but there's similarity between you and her, old virgin. R: shut up! you never got time outed right? let's timeout him for 1 minute
01:02:36 Katya M13 parah weh damage omongannya wkwkwk
01:02:59 Katya M13 [EN] R: don't just flex because you have a wife and child already
01:03:17 Katya M13 Risu sama chat pada kena damage wkwkwk
01:04:23 Katya M13 damage AoE bjirr
01:05:08 Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris Ris, my japanese in-law heard you saying ohayou gozaimalas and they said crazy squirrel.R: that's fine then
01:06:22 Katya M13 [EN] c: this big sis is scary. R: i'm a friendly big sis
01:07:00 Katya M13 [EN] c: friendly when we are being kind, but when we gave her facts she don't want it
01:07:06 Katya M13
01:07:31 Katya M13 risu amimir
01:09:00 Katya M13 okaeri~
01:09:14 Katya M13
01:10:30 Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris what subject is annoying? the answer is math, math pagi bub (met pagi bub = good morning bub)
01:11:22 Katya M13 wehn you are thinkig to answer a qestion you sometimes go have an adorable blank stare with open mouth www
01:12:55 Katya M13 [EN] c: but Risdu seems seldom to be flirty woth other members. R: yea, if it's being flirty i don't do it often
01:13:36 Katya M13 [EN] SC: ris better to join membership or sending supacha? R: i think it's more fun to join membership, but if you just want to send sd it's okay too
01:13:42 Katya M13 [EN] *send sc
01:14:20 Katya M13 what was that kya? www
01:15:14 Katya M13 [EN] c: i seldom drink coffee, but when smoking i need to drink coffee. R: what's the combination of coffee and smoking? i don't understand. c: the combo is like that. R: i see
01:15:42 Katya M13 [EN] c: i need to drink a big glass of coffee and my body will feel alright
01:16:10 Katya M13 [EN]c : do you prefer tea or mineral water? R: i prefer mineral water
01:16:46 Katya M13 [EN] c: it is the viewers that's baiting, but you took the bait. R: if i didn't took it, people will say that i'm not fun, not interacting
01:17:11 Katya M13 [EN] c: Risu must be the wrong one, can't be the right one. R: whose channel is this? why is the owner need to be wrong www
01:17:50 Katya M13 [EN] c: ID people are interseting, they are maso. they like chili, like horror, like coffee, everything have after effect. R: that's true
Katya M13
01:18:10 Katya M13 [EN] c: if you become the president, what will you do first? R: stepping down www
01:19:05 Katya M13 [EN] R: what matters is that i got into history. the president with the shortest duration www
01:20:38 Katya M13 [EN] SC: try it! risu swallowing coffee beans, then go to idol meeting
01:21:01 Katya M13 [EN] c: do you have homework? R: let's pretend there are none www
01:21:35 Katya M13 ternyata m-chan mengawasi stream dari chat www
01:22:19 Katya M13 [EN] SC: Ris, my mom send her regard, she got surprised when you laugh. R: hello Dokuma's mom
01:24:03 Katya M13 [EN] c: Risuners have 3 types: the one whose nickname exist from ancient times, the one with weird name, and the one with real name and ID card photo
01:26:23 Katya M13 [EN] c: what happened? you accidentaly hit something? R: yea
01:27:05 Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris, try smelling your own armpit, is it smelly? R: no way it's smelly, i just took a bath. it's wangy
Katya M13 [EN] c: lemme sniff. R: scary. if you try to say that to a girl, that's considered a sex harrassment, i'm being serious
01:28:28 Katya M13 [EN] R: so even if it's joking, don't say that to other member, maybe they hate that stuff. so don't normalize that kind of stuff, because that is a harrassment
01:29:31 Katya M13 [EN] c: true, but you are so patient, if it were me i'll get angry. R: my time to be mad is in the past
01:31:08 Katya M13 [EN] R: better to be like this than being angry, becoming people's topic to talk about
01:31:32 Katya M13 [EN] c: i'm about to have an interview, Ri. R: i hope it goes well, you get accepted
01:31:57 Katya M13
01:32:13 Katya M13 [EN] c: even tho Risu is angry she still loves us. R: are you sure? really?
01:32:30 Katya M13 [EN] c: annoying, she's lucky she's cute
01:32:59 Katya M13 [EN] c: the meta now is flirting to Risu. R: don't wanna, malas, get a life
01:33:23 Katya M13 [EN] R: why are you still here? because it's still wrong. you are here till you got it right www
01:34:16 Katya M13 [EN] R: if i really i want to get mad about, i thought to myself "dang that was harsh. poor kid will cry". So i've never went that far when i'm angry
01:34:30 Katya M13 [EN] c: at CF you made someone cry. R: that was happy tears
01:34:56 Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris, i miss Ayunda being angry. R: you find it often in membership tho www
01:35:11 Katya M13 [EN] c: only here, pay to get angry
Katya M13 [EN] c: is it that scary? R: not really, but it's harsh, i feel bad
01:35:40 Katya M13 pengen lah malas www
01:36:39 Katya M13 [EN] SC: Risu has made peace with reality. R: for waht? better to make a fuss
01:37:33 Katya M13 [EN] c: Risu angry viewer smiling, Risu getting super mad viewer trembling scared
01:38:41 Katya M13 [EN] R: our trademark is malas (lazy), not angry. Being angry is negative. Poor them wanting to get roasted, their mom didn;t make meals for them
01:39:03 Katya M13 [EN] c: wait, since when malas/lazy has an image that's not negative? R: well, that's true
01:40:01 Katya M13 [EN] c: i'm wathing with speaker on, when Risu said "better to be malas/lazy" my mom said "oh so it's her who made you malas?" R: am sorry, mom
01:40:44 Katya M13 [EN] (chat asked Risu whether she will have a pink hoodie as mech or not) R: if i want to make hoodie, i want to make a cool one, not that weeby, so it can fits with your style
01:40:50 Katya M13 [EN] R: so you can use it n daily basis
01:41:16 Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris why didn;t you play minecraft hardcore. R: because
01:41:27 Katya M13 karena because adalah is, iya kan Ris?
01:41:48 Katya M13 [EN] c: because the minecraft hardcore has ended already. R: you are right, you smart
01:42:16 Katya M13 [EN] c: i'm a guy, but i like to wear pink everywhere, am i already an error? R: it's okay, i also wear pink jacket
01:43:11 Katya M13 ikut ukm, jaketnya pola sakura jadi pink kembang-kembang, bagus sih putih pink www
01:44:08 Katya M13 [EN] c: holoid make it too pls, holoid the movie. R: give me money, i will make it
01:44:32 Katya M13 [EN] c: 20 billion idr for a movie is not enough ris. R: oh right, 2 trillion
01:44:41 Katya M13 [EN] *20 trillion
01:45:13 Katya M13 [EN] c: what do you want the role if you be a seiyuu? R: i'm not picky, i will want the role
01:46:01 Katya M13 [EN] c: do you want to be a game VA? R: i want. if it's a work, i'll do it. if the work is giving negative impact, i will not
01:47:05 Katya M13
01:47:39 Katya M13
01:49:37 Katya M13 okaeri~
01:50:22 Katya M13 Risu suddenly laughing sometimes scared me, like what is she scheming www
01:50:54 Katya M13 [EN] c: you just had breakfast, will you have lunch or skip it to dinner? R: it seems i'll get an afternoon meal
01:51:26 Katya M13 [EN] c: what kind of leaf is on your head? R: magic tree leaf
01:52:09 Katya M13 [EN] c: answer with daun telinga (earlobe). R: but there really are daun (leaves), on the head and on the clothes
01:53:14 Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris, for reference, what kind of flower is in mbak Ayu's oufit? R: what kind of flower...
01:53:21 Katya M13 kamboja kah? yg di topi?
01:54:28 Katya M13 [EN] R: idk what is it, it's flowers. c: 4 years ago we talked about it to, till now we still don't know waht kind of flower is that. R: if we don't know then let's say that's a magical flower
01:55:46 Katya M13 [EN] c: what kind of juice that likes to joke? juice kidding
01:56:14 Katya M13 [EN] c: juice that can hurt, juice be friend. R: oh no
01:56:56 Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris, when you cook nodle, do you cook 1 package or two packages? R: we cook the noodle, not the packages
01:57:14 Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris, tutorial how to get a beautiful girl/ R: what is it, idk
01:58:20 Katya M13 [EN] c: 1. handsome, 2. rich. R: in theory no one is perfect, for example if the guy is too handsome, there will be problems.
01:58:29 Katya M13 [EN] R: so you girls need to be careful, a guy that's too handsome might be a psycopath, or a burden
01:59:01 Katya M13 [EN] c: why i feel attacked. R: don't think you are handsome, guys
01:59:56 Katya M13 [EN] c: the trianlge of being perfect: wealth, looks, and sanity. Human usually can have max the two of them
02:00:30 Katya M13 [EN] c: but i'm not handsome, not rich, and not sane. R: don't lower yourself too low, but don't be too high of yourself too www
02:02:14 Katya M13 [EN] c: we can work on getting rich, but what about handsomeness? R: i've told you, handsomeness is realtive, at least you make yourself presentable
02:02:53 Katya M13 [EN] c: ganteng (handsome) is the things on the top of the house. R: since when you joined the dad jokes club? that's genteng (roof tiles) omg, i'm tired
02:03:08 Katya M13 [EN] c: being a dad is not about age or gender, but as an identity
02:04:05 Katya M13 [EN] SC: i've read it in book, the handsome people usually have smol pets down there. R: idk, i can't check either, we can't ask them about it too
02:04:14 Katya M13 [EN] R: who knows they are the grower, not the shower
Katya M13 alamak apa lagi itu grower shower wlwlwlw
Katya M13
Katya M13 [EN] c: already like a plant, grower. c: everyone woke up immediately Ris
Katya M13 apanya yang bang- awaawk
Katya M13 sudah kuduga
Katya M13 [EN] c: Be healthy Risu, making risuners laugh, so they keeps looking young
Katya M13 [EN] c: what did you talk about? pls explain to me. R: don't you act innocent
Katya M13 [EN] c: idk what was it about for real. R: then it's okay, nevermind it
Katya M13 [EN] c: i'm innocent, i'm a 27 yo baby
Katya M13 [EN] c: this topic feels like an early access to adulthood
Katya M13 [EN] c: i've told you, Risu turns us into adults. R: go to school, Azril
Katya M13 [EN] c: i want go to school but am big already. R: what is?
Katya M13 [EN] c: Ris, what is your truck's brand? i wanna draw it. R: what was it, Scania iirc
Katya M13 [EN] c: if it's not enough we can go CATTO ULTAH. R: the person is not here
Katya M13 [EN] SC: Ris, i watched the pdocast of jagad and kaela, they said in holo office there's a vending machine that's cheaper than the ones on the sinde of the road?
Katya M13 [EN] R: i never bought from there, the one i have is enough already
Katya M13 [EN] R: i don't really like the drink with flavours too. c: you don't want my love too? R: in the chat there will someone said "didn;t you say you are going to work?"
Katya M13 [EN] c: thank you for saying it for me. R: she is here wwww she has been watching here
Katya M13 [EN] c: is it using qr codein japan? R: usually they use card there
Katya M13 [EN] SC: can we use the out of jail card? R: do you think it's monoply?
Katya M13 [EN] R: i'm curious, some risuners are wedded already right? Majin and Lovejuice's wife shows up here already, when will Dean's wife come here? www
Katya M13 [EN] c: am already engaged. R: are you flexing. c: flexing to those who are still single
Katya M13 [EN] SC: if my wife shows up here i'll adios from membership. R: oh noo
Katya M13 [EN] c: have the wifes together and we make a bet, the bet is supacha to Risu
Katya M13 kok istrinya sabung weh wkwk
Katya M13 [EN] c: risuners' wife will create a group, "risuners' real 3d wife"
Katya M13 [EN] c: did you call me? R: just checking namelist www
Katya M13 [EN] SC: why is it not SNI yet? because my wife never asked yet. R: i'm confused sometimes
Katya M13 [EN] c: will you stream again tonight? R: i want to finish my homework first, if it's done, we'll see
Katya M13 wait you can just do that? www
Katya M13 noooo nikumi san
Katya M13 [EN] SC: i gotta otsu first, i'm about to pick my wife at airpirt. i hope i will not go adios fr
Katya M13 [EN]R: creful on your way
Katya M13 [EN] SC: idk what to comment. R: idk either
Katya M13 [EN] dono: Ris, i want to be a vtuber, can i use laptop or should be pc? R: you can use laptop, but the strong one. if it's notebook type, i don't think it's strong enough
Katya M13 [EN] c: Risu also debuted with laptop. R: yea, but it's not the type of laptop that's just for working on documents
Katya M13 Ultah~
Katya M13 [EN] dono: Ris, turns out an Indonesian conquered Japan back then, his name is Oda Nobunaga, maybe he's from Minang
Katya M13 [EN] c: it's Oda, not Uda
Katya M13 [EN] c: the laugh makes the universe shakes
Katya M13 [EN] R: it's already 12pm, so you guys should find some food
Katya M13 ngga mau nemenin makan bareng Ris?
Katya M13
Katya M13 [EN] c: time for taking a break Ris. c: NOOO I DON'T WANNA WOOOEK
Katya M13 [EN] R: oh so that's why the glug glug can be heard, the bar is lifted
Katya M13 [EN] R: bad choice, to see twitter at noon
Katya M13
Katya M13
Katya M13 [EN] R: you need to know why opening twitter today is a mistake
Katya M13 [EN] R: there's a fanart of my friend's having her belly bloated, omggg
Katya M13 [EN] R: keep going on it
Katya M13